Why Experience Counts When It Comes to Botox®

Over the last few decades, Botox® has become a household name. It’s widely available for both cosmetic and some clinical applications like migraines and incontinence. Like any aesthetic procedure, the training and experience of the practitioner are important factors to consider before getting a Botox® injection for both your safety and to guarantee the best results.

At Rick J. Smith, MD, our plastic surgeon Dr. Rick Smith and our team of licensed estheticians and injectors offer a range of non-surgical and surgical procedures at our office in East Lansing, Michigan.

Why you should always get Botox® from an experienced medical professional

The great thing about Botox® and other injectables is that you don’t have to be a celebrity or spend a fortune to slow down the signs of aging. Botox® has made it possible for adults of all ages to look and feel their best with a simple injection every few months.

The downside is that the growing popularity of non-surgical and minimally invasive cosmetic treatments like Botox® has also created a market for unlicensed and unskilled providers.

For starters, the results that you get will depend on the skill and experience of your provider. Therefore, you should always start with a consultation with a plastic surgeon or nurse injector like our team at Rick J. Smith, MD, before undergoing any cosmetic procedure, including Botox®.

When performed correctly, Botox® injections can be like a miracle treatment that leaves you with smoother, younger-looking skin.  When performed by an unskilled or unlicensed provider, the results can be less than desirable. Everyone has either seen pictures or knows someone that ends up with the “frozen” or unnatural-looking Botox® treatment. 

Experienced plastic surgeons and injectors with a solid track record of successfully administering Botox® know exactly where and how much to apply to give you the most satisfying results.

When performed by our team, Botox® is safe. The results are temporary and usually wear off after around three months.

Does Botox have any side effects?

Side effects are rare when Botox® is administered correctly, but the most common include:

Trust the experienced team at Rick J. Smith, MD, when opting for Botox or other injectable treatments. For more information about the safety and benefits of Botox® injections and other cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures, contact us today to schedule an appointment at our office in East Lansing, Michigan, or request an appointment online.

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