Why Both Men and Women Are Choosing Dermaplaning to Exfoliate Skin

Countless environmental and physiological factors conspire to rob your skin of its suppleness and vibrancy. Harsh weather, UV rays, pollution, and stress are just of few of these thieves.

East Lansing’s premier plastic surgeon, Dr. Rick J. Smith, offers a range of diverse restorative treatments, depending on your skin’s needs. His 25+ years of experience combined with a team that’s as passionate and caring as he is means that you’ll receive safe and sensitive care.

So don’t be discouraged if you’ve noticed your skin has lost its luster. There are treatments that can restore your glow safely and comfortably, and dermaplaning is one that’s caught on with many of Dr. Smith’s female and male patients.

What is exfoliation, and why is it important?

Exfoliation is simply removing the dead skin cells that accumulate on the top layer of your face. 

It can be done with scrubs, peels, and specialized tools.  

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a noninvasive skin procedure in which the esthetician uses a tool with a very fine sterile blade to gently slough off your dead skin and fine facial hair. In doing so, she removes your outer “blah” top skin layers that conceal fresher, healthier skin. 

The procedure kicks your skin into healing mode, which means your body starts producing collagen, the protein that gives skin its elasticity and ability to bounce back. Less involved and invasive than dermabrasion, which is a sanding process, dermaplaning is gentler and removes fine hair.

What skin issues can dermaplaning address?

Dr. Smith favors dermaplaning because it treats a host of skin problems:

You’ll also notice after dermaplaning that your skin will appear to be smoother than before treatment as well as feeling more refreshed. 

What is a dermaplaning treatment like?

In our comfortable and spa-like facility, a dermaplaning treatment is relaxing and painless. TOur esthetician, Kathy,  will gently and methodically use the dermaplane blade to start the exfoliation process. 

You’ll feel very little during the treatment, except from a possible tingling sensation. 

After a dermaplaning session, expect to experience a few side effects, aside from some minor redness. Since the procedure exposes very new skin, it’s important to be scrupulous about wearing sunscreen when you go outside after a dermaplaning session. 

Is dermaplaning only for women?

Absolutely not! Why shouldn’t men be able to take advantage of dermaplaning to get their best skin as well? The only caution is that we can’t offer dermaplaning on your lower face and neck area if you have a beard, but we can work around it and treat the rest of your face and neck.

Could dermaplaning be right for me? 

There’s only one way to find out and that’s to schedule a consultation with our esthetician Kathy. If you’re a good candidate for dermaplaning, she may use this treatment in conjunction with others to rejuvenate your skin.

Call our office to schedule an appointment and explore how dermaplaning might work for you, or simply book an appointment online

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