Wave Goodbye to Flabby Arms With an Arm Lift

The upper arms can be very difficult to sculpt and tone. Even with a dedicated workout routine and healthy diet, loose and flabby skin can’t be eliminated or tightened by lifting weights, doing push-ups, or cutting back on your daily amount of calories. (In fact, weight loss can actually lead to loose and excessive skin, especially around the arms and midsection). If you hide your upper arms or are just unhappy with how they look in your favorite shirts, an arm lift may help you reach your goals. Our plastic surgeon Dr. Rick Smith and the cosmetic surgery team offer surgical and nonsurgical treatments for the face and body at our practice in East Lansing, Michigan.

Get sculpted arms with an arm lift

Also known as brachioplasty, an upper arm lift is a surgical procedure that typically includes liposuction to remove excess fat along with sagging skin. The result is tighter, leaner, more contoured and toned upper arms that you’ll be proud to show off. 

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and according to the American Academy of Plastic Surgeons, most people can expect to notice the results right after surgery (you should expect swelling in the first few weeks after the procedure). 

Once the excess fat has been removed and the supporting tissue structures have been tightened and contoured with internal sutures, Dr. Smith smooths and tightens the skin the arm and closes the incisions.

The recovery period is generally several weeks and varies from person to person. You can expect to have a limited range of motion and to refrain from physical activity for three to four weeks after the surgery.

Are you a good candidate for an upper arm lift?

According to the American Academy of Plastic Surgeons, some of the qualifying criteria for arm lift surgery include:

At the time of your consultation, Dr. Smith will review your options with you and make recommendations based on your health, circumstances, and goals.

For more information about upper arm lift surgery and other cosmetic procedures available at our office, contact us today to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online.

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