Non-Cosmetic Reasons to Consider Breast Reduction

Non-Cosmetic Reasons to Consider Breast Reduction

Rick J. Smith, MD, our board-certified plastic surgeon here in East Lansing, Michigan, helps women reach their aesthetic goals through a variety of surgical procedures that are almost always considered cosmetic, such as breast augmentation, breast lift, and breast fat injections. One procedure is performed for both aesthetic  and medical reasons — breast reduction surgery. Here’s when and why it may become medically necessary to reduce your breast size.

Signs you might need a breast reduction

Although the majority of breast procedures — almost 200,000 a year — are purely cosmetic and performed to make the breasts larger, more than 33,500 women have the opposite problem and undergo breast reduction surgery.

The reasons many women choose to undergo breast reduction surgery are:

Any of these reasons are enough to warrant a trip to see Dr. Smith about breast reduction, but unlike procedures that enhance and increase the size of your breasts, breast reduction surgery may actually be medically necessary as well. Here are a few of the reasons your large breast may be causing physical harm.

There’s no need to experience these physical problems related to big breasts. Breast reduction surgery treats all these conditions at once.

Breast reduction surgery is for men, too

Whether you’re a bodybuilder, a guy who struggles with weight, or the recipient of certain genes, you may find that your chest is a little more “breasty” than you’d like. Some men develop excess breast tissue, a condition called gynecomastia, and seek ways to lose the extraneous flesh.

Dr. Smith performs male breast reduction procedures using liposuction and minimally invasive surgery. He has extensive experience removing excess tissue and sculpting the contours of your chest so it looks more masculine.

Recovering from breast reduction surgery

Women and men alike can expect their procedure to last up to three hours, depending on the scope of the surgery. 

After surgery, you wear a support garment to keep your breasts from moving as they heal. Bruising and swelling are normal, as are some pain and discomfort for the first few days. 

We give you detailed post-op after-care instructions, including a directive to avoid strenuous exercise for about a month. As the swelling subsides, you’ll begin to see the results of your breast reduction surgery and start to live a new life without the burden of overly large breasts.

To learn more or schedule a consultation with Dr. Smith, request an appointment online or call our friendly staff today. 

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