Get Your Legs Ready for Shorts with a Thigh Lift

Get Your Legs Ready for Shorts with a Thigh Lift

During the fall, the last thing on your mind is wearing shorts. However, if you want to be ready to bare your legs next summer, now is the perfect time to think about a thigh lift.

If sagging skin and stubborn fat around your thighs keep you from wearing shorts when the weather is warm, a thigh lift might be the solution. Rick J. Smith, MD, has helped many Michiganders prepare their bodies for special events and seasons, and he can do the same for you.

Here’s what you need to know about a thigh lift and why now is the best time to consider it.

Signs you could benefit from a thigh lift

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your thighs, you’ve probably tried to reshape them with diet and exercise. The problem is that you can’t dictate where your body loses fat, and sometimes, stubborn fat deposits cling to your thighs and won’t budge.

Or, you could have the opposite problem. If you’ve recently lost a significant amount of weight, you may have loose or saggy skin left over. Dr. Smith can improve those flabby legs with a thigh lift.

Whatever the cause, the result is the same: you constantly adjust your clothing to hide your thighs — a sure sign that you can benefit from a thigh lift. 

Feeling self-conscious about how you look in shorts or swimwear is frustrating. Reducing the excess skin causing your discomfort can help you feel more comfortable and confident.

What a thigh lift can and can’t do

A thigh lift can resolve several issues, but it has limitations. 

Dr. Smith may recommend a thigh lift to smooth and tighten the skin on your thighs, address sagging caused by aging or weight loss, and create pleasing contours. He also uses thigh lifts to remove some stubborn fat, although they aren’t a substitute for weight loss.

That brings us to the discussion about what thigh lifts can’t do. A thigh lift can’t significantly change the size of your thighs. Dr. Smith uses a combination of liposuction and surgery to remove excess fat, skin, and tissue, but it’s not designed for weight loss. 

Criteria for good thigh lift candidates

To be a good thigh lift candidate, you should be close to your ideal weight because significant weight fluctuations after the surgery can affect the results. 

Another criterion is having good overall health. Surgery always carries risks, and being a healthy nonsmoker minimizes them.

Finally, have realistic expectations about the results of a thigh lift. The procedure can significantly enhance the appearance of your thighs, but it won't completely transform them. 

Why now is the perfect time for a thigh lift

A thigh lift is surgery, and surgery requires recovery. So, don’t expect to see your results this winter. 

Initially, you’ll experience some swelling and bruising, which usually subsides within a few weeks.

After about four to six weeks, you’ll start noticing significant improvements in the contour and firmness of your thighs. 

The full and final results of your thigh lift show up at around six months post-surgery. By this time, the scars have faded significantly, and you’ll see your thighs’ final, refined shape. This timeline gets your thighs ready just in time for summer.

To learn more about Dr. Smith’s thigh lift procedure and whether it could be right for you, call Rick J. Smith, MD, in East Lansing, Michigan, or request an appointment online. 

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